Saturday, 18 October 2014

Gone Girl

Right, Friday at last! To start the weekend on a good note, we decided to finally go and see 'Gone Girl'. So far, from what I've heard, this film has divided opinions. Wanna know what I thought...
'Gone Girl' is a mystery thriller adapted by Gillian Flynn from her novel of the same name. You'd have to have been living under a rock to have not heard the hype this film has gained. Personally I haven't read the book, but I do know that those people who have read it wondered how it would translate onto the big screen. This is due to the way the novel is written with its use of multiple perspectives and non-linear structure. Despite this, I believe that one thing the adaptation has on its side is its length. It is 149 minutes long (almost as long as Titanic) and I can only imagine that this works in favour of an adaptation due to not needing to cut much out.

Nick Dunne, portrayed by Ben Affleck (Pearl Harbor, Argo), returns home on the day of his fifth wedding anniversary to find his house has been trashed and his wife Amy, portrayed by Rosamund Pike (Jack Reacher, Hector and the Search for Happiness), is nowhere to be found. After a minor investigation of the crime scene, it becomes apparent to the police that this is in fact less of a missing person case and more likely a staged murder scene. Due to his weird demeanour, and the fact that all the evidence is pointing directly at him, Dunne is quickly becoming a suspect in this potential murder case. The only problem being, "How hard it is to convict someone of murder when there is no body present?"

Another great film of October 2014. The whole mystery of what was going on in the beginning to what was going to happen next kept me glued to my seat. The film captivated me for the full 149 minutes. Rosamund Pike gave an absolutely stunning performance as Amy, 'amazing' to say the least! Ben Affleck on the other hand could have been easily replaced. For me he did not cut it and I found myself wishing for a more dramatic performance from let's say, DiCaprio, or Downey Jr. Having said that, the film was so well paced, held together like it wasn't missing anything from being adapted and kept me well and truly entertained for 2.5 gripping hours. Go see it, especially if you enjoyed the likes of 'Prisoners', 'Side Effects' or even 'Taken'.
9/10 for 'Gone Girl' places the movie at number 4 on My 2014 League Table just below 'Lone Survivor'. Potential end of year top 5 here...

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