Saturday, 15 November 2014


To finish our two film Saturday afternoon, Mr B and I went to see 'Fury'. Not my usual type of film but did it convert me...

'Fury' is an American war film set during World War II. It's 1945; allies are making their final push through Nazi Germany. The film follows Norman, an army typist thrown into the battlefield to take over as assistant driver/gunner on board the tank known as 'Fury'. This tank is commanded by 'Wardaddy' (played by Brad Pitt) and his fellow band of soldiers. Norman has never seen the inside of tank let alone driven one. As the film progresses you see how little Norman knows about war on the front line, but with no time to lose he must learn as the tank advances into the final stage of this war.

Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson, The Perks of Being a Wallflower) really acts his ass off in the role of Norman. This is easily the best acting we have seen from this young future megastar. Brad Pitt is solid as usual, although I can't help never being that impressed by him. The rest of the crew provide the vulgar and humorous side of how these men could have been. Shia LaBeouf could have been a cardboard cut-out for most of this film. He had a couple of glassy-eyed moments but other than that we could have easily lost him. The plot of the film isn't necessary anything amazing but that could just be my minor disinterest of war films. Also I didn't get the feeling that these men were close like family which is what I'm sure was intended. There are some great shots, superb explosions and laser-like shooting scenes which, with the acting of most of the cast, make this film a worthy watch.

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